

1.0 NAME: This organization shall be known as the Area 6 Emergency Response Co-op.



2.1 To develop a system of mutual aid among members for initial response to an unknown or known member’s pipeline emergency, until the member company is in a position with it’s own resources to control the emergency.

2.2 To facilitate collective interaction and support between industry, government agencies, emergency services and the community in emergency preparedness.

2.3 To assure that the mutual aid system is functional through yearly emergency exercises and communication tests with the objective to improve any deficiencies.

2.4 To collectively communicate to the public the safety achievements and goals of the industry.



3.1 Members will be admitted with the approval of the approval of the membership at large and payment of annual dues.

3.2 Resource Groups – Government agencies and emergency services may become members upon of the membership. These members have no voting privileges and may not hold any office position. There will be no membership dues.

3.3 Resignation – Any member may resign at any time by notifying the chairperson in writing. 3.4 Interested Parties – Certain parties may attend meetings upon approval of the executive.



4.1 Each member company, in good standing, shall be allowed one voting member at the meetings. Member companies may, however, send additional non-voting representatives if they so desire.



5.1 The Executive shall consist of a chairperson, treasurer and administrator.



6.1 The Executive committee shall consist of the executive members.



7.1 A minimum of three meetings per year will be held. The timing of the meetings shall be determined by the chairperson and membership at each of the meetings.

7.2 The chairperson can call a special meeting of membership. This meeting may take the form of a telephone conference call.

7.3 The last meeting of the year will be considered the meeting for the purpose of electing the executive and setting the membership dues for the following year.

7.4 Unless otherwise specified, the Robert’s Rules of Order shall be used to conduct the business meetings.



8.1 A quorum at a meeting shall consist of 50% of the membership. If a quorum is not present, business transacted by those present shall be unofficial and non-binding.


9.0 DUES:

9.1 Dues for membership will by set by the membership at the last meeting of the year and invoiced with the minutes of the meeting.



10.1 The length of the office for the executive shall be determined by the membership.

10.2 The election of chairperson, treasurer and administrator shall be conducted at the last meeting of the year. The position of the administrator can be contracted outside of the membership.

10.3 Nominations will be called for from members present or in writing from non-present members by the chairperson. The positions shall be elected by either a show of hands or secret ballot as determined by the chairperson.

10.4 The Executive elected at the annual meeting shall assume the duties and responsibilities of the executive committee, beginning after the minutes of the election meeting have been distributed.

10.5 If any of the executive positions become vacant, an election will be held to fill the vacancy.



11.1 Chairperson

11.1.1 Presides over meetings of the membership. The chairperson can relinquish the meeting chair to another member of the executive.

11.1.2 Presides over the election of all the executives if required and announces the results of the election to the membership.

11.1.3 Casts the deciding vote in the event of a tie on a motion or in an election.

11.1.4 Is an ex-officio member of all committees.

11.1.5 Has one vote as the representative of his/her member organization.

11.1.6 Represents or causes to be represented Area 6 Emergency Response Co-op at other organizations, as required.


11.2 Treasurer

11.2.1 Is responsible for collection of all fees and receivables, as well as disbursement of all payables.

11.2.2 Keeps the Area 6 Emergency Response Co-op financial accounts in an orderly and responsible manner.

11.2.3 Presents a financial report to the membership at each regular meeting.

11.2.4 Signs cheques for the payment of approved accounts.

11.2.5 Be responsible to the membership for the bank account set up in the name Area 6 Emergency response Co-op.


11.3 Administrator

11.3.1 Prepares and distributes an agenda for each meeting in conjunction with the executive chairperson.

11.3.2 Records and distributes minutes of all meetings of the membership.

11.3.3 Processes all correspondence and keeps the roll-call for all meetings.

11.3.4 Carries out any other functions as designated by the chairperson.



12.1 For maximum efficiency in achieving the stated mandate, the membership shall appoint committees as required.



13.1 The liability of a responding company’s personnel and actions taken in a mutual aid response involving an Area 6 Emergency Response Co-op member, is the responsibility of each responding member company.



14.1 Amendments will be presented in writing through a motion at a meeting of the membership. The proposed amendments will be distributed with the minutes of the meeting.

14.2 The amendments will be put to a vote at the next meeting.

14.3 Approval of the majority of the voting members present at the meeting (quorum necessary) is required to pass a constitutional amendment.

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